Senin, 09 Mei 2022


 Report Text

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.


Report Text : Raflesia

The Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. It is unusual because of its large size. The flower is almost 100 centimeters in diameter and 140 centimeters in height.

"Rafflesia" is derived from the name of the British Governor General, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who once governed and built the Botanical Garden in Bogor. Though it is called Rafflesia after Raffles, the man who discovered the plant was Beccary, an Italian botanist who visited Sumatra in 1928.
Rafflesia consists of two parts: the stick-like part which grows in the middle and the petals around and below it.

While the flower is blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell which affects insects, especially green flies. They seem eager to explore the flower. But if the flies touch the bottom part of the stick like centre, they die.

Rafflesia can be found in the forests of Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Sumatra and Java. But, Rafflesia flowers are fairly hard to locate. It is especially difficult to see them in bloom. Its buds take up to 10 months to develop while its blossom lasts for just a few days.

Rafflesia has brownish, scale like leaves and fleshy, smelling flowers of various sizes, from few inches to meter big in diameter. We usually noticeits large fleshy flowers. There is a deep well in the centre of the flowers. The sexual organs are located beneath the rim of the disk. Male and female flowers are separate.

The reddish brown colors of the petals, sprinkled with white freckles produce unpleasant stench, similar to rotting flesh. This would attract flies and insects which help disperse the seeds. Rafflesia isparasite, which means it takes the nutrient out of itshost.

Question number 1 to 5 is based on the following text.

1. The title of the text is ...
A. Rafflesia Arnoldi ✓
B. Italian Botanist
C. Stamford Raffles
D. Botanical Garden
E. Bunga Bangkai

2. The identification of the text can be found in ....

A. 1st sentence of paragraph 1 ✓ (The Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world.)
B. 1st sentence of paragraph 2
C. 2nd sentence of paragraph 1
D. 3rd sentence paragraph 3
E. 2nd sentence paragraph 2

3. Which statement is correct based on the text?

A. Stamford Raffles is an Italian botanist.
B. Beccary built the Botanical Garden.
C. Rafflesia Arnoldi has a very nice smell.
D. Berccary discovered Rafflesia Arnoldi.
E. Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world ✓

4. Rafflesia Arnoldi is unusual because of its.... size.

A. big ✓
B. long
C. tiny
D. small
E. huge

5. The word 'They' in the last paragraph refers to .... .

A. Stamford Raffles and Beccary
B. the petal
C. the green flies ✓
D. the parts of rafflesia
E. the flower

6. The text mainly describes… of Rafflesia

A. the location
B. the petals 
C. the sexual organs
D. physical look ✓

7.  It is hard to find Rafflesia because of its…

A. location.
B. short life. ✓
C. large size.
D. smell.

8. What is the unpleasant smell for?

A. People repellent
B. Attracting insects ✓
C. Attractinghost
D. Protection

9. The word ‘notice’ in paragraph means…

A. smell.
B. see. ✓
C. find.
D. locate.

10. What is the diameter and height of the Rafflesia flower?

A. Diameter 10 CM and height 140 CM
B. Diameter 100 CM and height 14 CM
C. Diameter 100 CM and height 1400 CM
D. Diameter 1000 CM and height 140 CM
E. Diameter 100 CM and height 140 CM ✓

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.


Javan rhinoceros (Badak jawa)

Javan rhinoceros is one kind of the rare rhinoceroses in the world. It is comparatively small and slender. It's about 1.7 meters high. Males have a single horn up to 10 inches in length. Females are usually hornless. Like other kinds of rhinoceros, javan rhinoceros eats grass and spends most time in water.

Formerly the Javan rhinoceros lived in Myanmar, Indocina, the Malay Peninsula, Java, and Sumatra. It's now relatively scarce. People hunted them for their horns. We only find them in Ujungkulon, West Java now.

In West Java there is a special place for animal called Ujung Kulon. Among the animals in Ujung Kulon are the big rhinos which people sometimes call “Badak Jawa” . Other people call the one-horn rhinos from Java. This kind of rhino is rare in Indonesia as well as in the world.

Lets take a look at one of them. It is about 3.5 meters long and weighs about 3.500 kilograms. Thick pieces of very hard skin cover its body. It has a short neck, which is why it is difficult for a rhino to turn its head to either side. It therefore has to turn its whole body. A rhino has very small eyes and does not see very well. Instead, its hearing and sense of smell are good. It has a short, hard horn above its nose which it use as a weapon.

Question number 10 to 15 is based on the following text.

11. The identification part of the text are found in ....
A. the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph
B. the 2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph
C. the 1st sentence of the 1st paragraph ✓ (Javan rhinoceros is one kind of the rare rhinoceroses in the world.)
D. the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph
E. the last sentence of the 1st paragraph

12. Based on the text, which one of the following statements is correct?

A. Javan rhinoceroses is an endangered animal ✓
B. People hunted Javan rhinoceroses for their skin.
C. Javan rhinoceroses are rare animals.
D. Male Javan rhinoceroses are hornless.
E. Javan rhinoceros is very big.

13. Females are usually hornless. The word 'hornless' means ....

A. having no horn ✓
B. having many horns
C. having only one horn
D. having upside horn
E. having two horns

14. It is comparatively small and slender. What is the synonym of the underlined word "slender"?

A. thin ✓
B. huge
C. big
D. thick
E. large

15. It's now relatively.... (2nd paragraph). What does the word 'it' refer to?

A. Malay Peninsula, indocina, Sumatra
B. Javan Rhinoceros' horn
C. Ujung Kulon
D. Javan Rhinoceros ✓
E. Java

16. why is the rhino In Ujung Kulon unlike any other rhinos?

A. Because its hearing is good.
B. Because it lives in West Java
C. Because it has small eyes
D. Because it has only one horn. ✓

17. what does the fourth paragraph tell us about?

A. Rhino’s body ✓
B. Rhino’s Description
C. Rhino’s life
D. Rhino’s sense

18. Instead, its hearing and sense of smell are good. The underlined word means...

A. On the contrary ✓
B. Although
C. Though
D. Than

19. The statement below is correct, except?

A. The small rhinos which people sometimes call “Badak jawa” ✓
B. A rhino has very small eyes and does not see very well
C. It has a tall hard horn above its nose.
D. This kind of rhino is full in Indonesia as well as In the world.

20. A mobile phone or cellular telephone (abbreviated as handphone) or handphone (abbreviated as HP) is an electronic telecommunication device that has the same basic capabilities as conventional fixed line Juhdan, but can be carried anywhere and does not need to be connected to the telephone network using cables.

contoh soal report text tentang handphone, soal report text tentang teknologi, contoh report text tentang handphone beserta artinya

The first cell phone invented was Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee on April 3, 1973. Cell phones have the function of making and receiving phone calls, cell phones generally also have the function of sending and receiving short messages. Types of mobile phones can be divided into 4 based on their function. The first is Business cell phone, this type of mobile phone is intended for those of you who want a business device in your hand. Then the second is Mobile phone entertainment, this type of mobile phone is a multimedia mobile phone. The third type is Fashion mobile phone, this type of mobile phone relies more on its appearance, and can make its owner very satisfied even with features that seem simple. And the last type is Standard mobile phone, this type of mobile phone is for those of you who want a simple mobile phone.

Based on the text above, answer the following questions.
A. Mention the function of the cellphone?
B. who is the inventor of the cellphone?
C. In what year was the cell phone invented?
D. What is the text about?
E. Mention the 4 types of mobile phones?

A. Mobile phones function as a means of communication, such as making calls and SMS.
B. The inventor of the first mobile phone was Martin Cooper
C. On April 03, 1973
D. The text describes the phone
E. Business cell phone, Mobile phone entertainment, Fashion mobile phone, Standard mobile phone, Standard mobile phone


 Advertisement atau iklan adalah berita pesanan untuk mendorong, membujuk khalayak ramai agar tertarik pada barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan. 

Ada tiga jenis iklan, yaitu iklan yang diperdengarkan (audio), iklan cetak, dan iklan audio visual. iklan yang diperdengarkan disampaikan melalui radio. Iklan cetak disampaikan melalui media cetak dan elektronik misalnya surat kabar, majalah, tabloid, baliho, billboard, dan pamflet, serta lewat internet (online). 

Iklan audio-visual disampaikan melalui televisi. Ada berbagai bentuk iklan, di antaranya iklan produk, baik barang maupun jasa, iklan tempat, dan iklan lowongan 

The following test is for question 1 to 3.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris – nekopencil
  1. The text is intended for people who ….
    A. deal with good and bad tires
    B. consult to the expert about tire problems
    C. would like to change their old tires with the new ones
    D. want to avoid problems on their tires during a trip
  2. Neko Mobile Tire Service provides …
    A. tire sale and repair
    B. tire rotation and repair
    C. flat repair and balancing
    D. vehicle sale and service
  3. Suppose you have a problem with your tire and does not have time to bring your vehicle to a workshop. Why do you choose Neko Mobile?
    A. it provides a contact person
    B. it repairs several kinds of vehicles
    C. it is ready anytime and willing to come
    D. it offers complete sevice to the customers

The following test is for question 4 to 6.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris 3 - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris 3 – nekopencil
  1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
    A. To promote a good hotel
    B. To explain the hotel’s location
    C. To inform people about the hotel’s facilities
    D. To tell people how to reserve the hotel room
  2. The hotel is a good choice for people who will …..
    A. have businesses in town
    B. want to enjoy beautiful landscape
    C. continue their trip with another flight
    D. stay in the countryside for couples of days
  3. What shoild people do to reserve the hotel with good benefit?
    A. Call the hotel
    B. Visit its website
    C. Come to the hotel
    D. Follow its social media

The following test is for question 7 to 9.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris 4 - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris 4 – nekopencil
  1. What is being advertised in the text?
    A. A shophouse for sale
    B. Office buildings for rent
    C. A two storey building for rent
    D. Heaven Residence for sale
  2. “Low down payment and installment; special price and gift for full payment”
    What can we infer from the sentences?
    A. The seller opens credit and cash payment
    B. The seller offers credit without down payment
    C. The seller gives special gifts for credit payment
    D. The seller helps the buyers to handle the payment
  3. Why are people probably interested to the advertised item?
    A. its special gift
    B. its interior design
    C. its unique building
    D. its strategic location

The following test is for question 10 to 12.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris Courses - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris Courses – nekopencil
  1. Who are possibly interested to the advertisement?
    A. People who want to apply job for a tutor.
    B. People who are looking for a right course.
    C. People who intend to advertise their items.
    D. People who are studying fun teaching method.
  2. Where do you probably read the advertisement?
    A. In a brochure
    B. On a billboard
    C. In a newspaper
    D. In a course website
  3. Flexible schedule
    The bolded word can be replaced with…
    A. fixed
    B. regular
    C. adjustable
    D. disordered

The following test is for question 13 to 16.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris geopark - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris geopark – nekopencil
  1. What is the text about?
    A. Direction to a park.
    B. Entertainment in a park.
    C. Advertisement of a park.
    D. Announcement from a park.
  2. “Are you looking for a convenient place to spend the weekends?”
    The synonym of the bolded word is ….
    A. examining
    B. visiting
    C. searching
    D. suspending
  3. Who might need the information?
    A. Advicers.
    B. Photograpers.
    C. Researchers.
    D. Travellers.
  4. From the text we can say that ….
    A. food and drinks are costly
    B. the park is merely for kids
    C. the park is worth visiting
    D. the park is east to reach

The following test is for question 17 to 20.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris promote - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris promote – nekopencil
  1. What is NEKOPENCIL?
    A. A teenage magazine.
    B. Updated digital information.
    C. A newly-published newspaper.
    D. A sophisticated smartphone.
  2. Who is the advertisement addressed to?
    A. Bookworms
    B. Cooks
    C. Travellers
    D. Students
  3. People are interested to download the application because …
    A. providing news is easy
    B. providing news is simple
    C. operating a smartphone is easier
    D. creating an advertisement is easy
  4. “it provides you with fresh, interesting, complete and trustworthy news”
    The bolded word means ….
    A. incredible
    B. affordable
    C. tangible
    D. credible

The following test is for question 21 to 23.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris phone desain - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris phone desain – nekopencil
  1. How can costumers see the examples of the sticker designs?
    A. Ask the shop via e-mail
    B. Visit the shop’s website
    C. Check the NDH collections
    D. Call the shop to deliver the samples
  2. When could customers get the special offers?
    A. Before the New Year
    B. During the New Year
    C. After the New Year
    D. Only the New Year
  3. The advertisement … special prices for phone stickers.
    A. offer
    B. offers
    C. offered
    D. will offer

The following test is for question 24 to 26.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban - nekopencil

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris dan kunci jawaban – nekopencil
  1. What is the treatment offered if your pets have sore?
    A. Bathing.
    B. Trimming.
    C. A vet consultation.
    D. Food and vitamins.
  2. What is the intention of the writer to compose the text?
    A. To invite pet lovers.
    B. To sell services for pets.
    C. To inform about a pet hotel.
    D. To describe the grooming package.
  3. The word “trimming” in the text is closest in meaning to ….
    A. removing
    B. cutting
    C. Balancing
    D. moving

The following test is for question 27 to 29.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris lengkap - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris lengkap – nekopencil
  1. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To inform the readers how to drive safely
    B. To attract the readers to join a driving course
    C. To promote the readers about driving safety
    D. To instruct the readers to learn how to drive
  2. What benefit would you get from the school if you just start learning to drive?
    A. Choose our own personal trainers.
    B. Arrange the time for our lessons.
    C. Get a free driving lesson at the beginning.
    D. Have a special lesson to help us ready.
  3. The school offers you … before you decide to take the course.
    A. a special lesson
    B. a 1 hour free lesson
    C. a personal instructor
    D. a flexible time schedule

The following test is for question 30 to 32.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa iklan - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa iklan – nekopencil
  1. The text is intended for people who …
    A. Intend to work for a construction company
    B. are willing to study home building and renovation
    C. develop their businesses in building and renovation service
    D. would like to build or renovate their houses with low budget
  2. Bonafide Construction provides …
    A. building renovation service only
    B. house construction service
    C. a new house with a new design
    D. skyscraper building consultation
  3. What should people do to get a special offer from Bonafide Construction?
    A. Visit the office
    B. Visit its website
    C. Send a message
    D. Call the customer service

The following test is for question 33 to 35.

contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris terbaru - nekopencil
contoh soal advertisement bahasa inggris terbaru – nekopencil
  1. What can people probably find in the store?
    A. Guitars
    B. Bicycles
    C. Goggles
    D. Refrigerators
  2. From the text we can conclude that the store …
    A. opens every day
    B. is located at its old address
    C. sells products at high prices
    D. is closed on Sunday afternoons
  3. “Affordable”
    What is the closest meaning of “affordable”?
    A. Low-cost
    B. Luxurious
    C. Up to date
    D. Glamorous

Announcement Text, soal-soal dan pembahasannya, compiled by Wahju Indrawati, M.P.d

 Announcement Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang berupa pernyataan atau tulisan resmi dengan tujuan memberitahukan kepada khalayak umum tentang sesuatu yang dianggap penting untuk diketahui. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal Announcement Text dan Pembahasan. Kumpulan soal Announcement berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber.Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.

To all the teachers and staff of SMPN 2 Jombang

A one-day meeting will be held this week:

When: Tuesday, February 9th, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Where:Room 109
Topic: National examination preparation

Due to the importance of the meeting, please be punctual. Bring your ideas; bring your suggestions to make our students successful in the examination!

The head of the national examination committee

Mr. Adnan Nasution
1. What is the meeting for?
     A. To talk about the preparation for the national examination
     B. To give solution to the examination problem
     C. To discuss about the examination items
     D. To ask teachers to face the national examination

2. From the text above we can conclude that ....
     A. The national examination has already been done
     B. All students are successful in the national examination
     C. The meeting is done before the national examination
     D. The teacher must be pleased with the result of the national examination

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4.


To commemorate the upcoming National Education Day, the Students Board Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English speech contest, English story telling contest and wall magazine competition. The objective of the programs is to develop students' skills in English. The program will be held on May 1st, 2011. The English speech contest and the English story telling contest will begin at 08.00. While the wall magazine competition will start at 10.00. The contestants should be ready at 7.30 a.m. All classes must take part in the program.
3. What is the aim of holding these program?
     A. The students can commemorate the National Education Day happily
     B. The teachers will give some information about English programs
     C. The students can increase their abilities in English
     D. The students and the teachers can compete each other

4. Who must participate in the programs?
     A. The Student Board Organization members
     B. The coordinator of the program
     C. All classes
     D. Julia

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7.


Based on the Approval Letter of the Governor of Bank Indonesia no. 13/108/KEP.GBI/201 I on 29 December 2021, we are pleased to announce that effective from 12 January 2022, PT Saphire Bank has changed its name to PT Bank Diamond Indonesia The name change reflects the shareholding increase of Saphire Group Limited from 85% to 99% in PT Bank Diamond Indonesia as well as our strong and continuing support to Indonesia's economic growth. Jakarta, 12 January 2012

Board of Directors

PT Bank Diamond Indonesia
5. Why does the bank change its name? Because ....
     A. They commited to support Indonesian economic grownth
     B. There are some changes in shareholding
     C. The governor of Bank Indonesia request it
     D. They already announce it to the public

6. The name change reflects the shareholding increase ..."
The underlined word closest in meaning with ....
     A. Mirrors
     B. Shows
     C. Makes
     D. Improves

7. The text above is about ....
     A. Bank Indonesia closing a certain Bank
     B. A change of a bank ownership
     C. A change of name of a bank
     D. An announcement of a bank bankruptcy

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 and 9.

Student Organization of SMP 182

To: All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2022
Time: After school
Place: OSIS room

We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students. Your attendance will be highly appreciated

OSIS Chairman
OSIS Secretary
8. The monthly meeting is to ….
     A. Request a monthly meeting
     B. Attend at OSIS room
     C. Discuss the farewell party
     D. Appreciate the grade IX students

9. “We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students”
The underlined word refers to ….
     A. All grade IX students
     B. OSIS chairman and OSIS secretary
     C. All teacher and students of the school
     D. The OSIS committee and all class captains

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 to 12.


To: teacher and students

From November 12 to 14, 2021 the library will be closed due to the rearranging of books and seats.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hasan Madi

10. The text tells us about ….
     A. The librarian’s books and seats
     B. The renovation of the library in November
     C. The temporarily closing of the library
     D. The librarian’s inconvenience

11. Why is the library closed?
     A. The librarian will have vacation
     B. There have been some inconveniences
     C. The students will arrange the books
     D. The books will be rearranged

12. “… we are sorry for the inconvenience.”
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
     A. Disruption
     B. Inappropriacy
     C. Unsuitability
     D. Difficulty

Read the following text to answer questions number 13 and 14.


Date : 16 November 2021
Fees : Rp. 25,000 (meal & certificate)
Time :9.00 a.m. - 5 00 p.m
Go global with blogging. It's time to put your talents and creativity into practice. It's a high time to expand your network. Join the workshop and you'll get step by step tutorial on how to start your own blog site for free. You will get hands on experience to design your blog & fill your blog with appropriate contents and decorate It with pleasant layout and images. By the end of the workshop, you will have the skills to create your own blog. Apart from that, you will also get some tips on how to earn from blogging.

Seats are limited to 50 students. First come, first served. Register online at 
13. What skill will the participants have after they complete the training?
     A. Register and study online at
     B. Make a clear, detailed, and interesting, step by step blog tutorial
     C. Create a blog with appropriate contents, pleasant layout, and images
     D. Call the person in charge for the further information with correct number

14. "... fill it with appropriate contents ..." The word appropriate in the text has closest meaning to...
     A. Capable
     B. Suitable
     C. Probable
     D. Remarkable

Read the following text to answer questions number 15 to 17.


To : all students of SMPN 2 JOMBANG

To celebrate the school anniversary on November 16, 2021and as a chance for students to perform their talent and creativities, OSIS will hold some competitions. They are futsal match, basketball match, singing contest, speech contest, and classroom contest. The competition will be held on:
Date : 5-9 November 2021
Time : 08.00 – 12.00
Venue : School hall and school yard.

The first day is futsal match. The second day is basketball match. The third day is singing contest, the fourth day is speech contest and the classroom contest will be on the last day. Every class should join them. The winners of the competition will receive the prizes on the anniversary day.

Further information please contact Yeyen, The OSIS secretary .

The head of OSIS

15. When will the singing contest be held?
     A. November 5th 2013
     B. November 6th 2013
     C. November 7th 2013
     D. November 8th 2013

16. The activities are meant as ….
     A. OSIS anniversary celebration
     B. Students and teachers activities
     C. Students’ talent and creativity performance
     D. Entertainments for all teachers and students

17. “Every class should join them.” The underlined word refer to?
     A. Prizes
     B. Students
     C. Winners
     D. Competitions

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 20.

Book Fair

So many good books to choose from!
When: May 3 and 4, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Where: School cafeteria
Why: All money from the sale wilt be used to support the school orchestra. We are preparing to change the musical instruments with the new ones. Therefore many school events are held to collect the fund. The team will participate in the national contest 2016 next year at Jakarta Convention Centre.

SMP Anak Bangsa Students affair
18. The school orchestra needs a lot of money because ....
     A. They hold the Book Fair
     B. Many school events are held
     C. They have to pay to the contest
     D. They want to buy musical instruments

19. Where will the Book Fair be held?
     A. In a book store
     B. At a school cafeteria
     C. At Jakarta convention Centre
     D. At SMP Anak Bangsa's cafeteria

20. "... the team will participate ..." The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
     A. Act
     B. Join
     C. Work
     D. Perform

Read the following text to answer question number 21 to 23.

To : Students of SMP Bintang Kejora,

To celebrate school anniversary, we will hold a ceremony on Wednesday, 23 March and a choir competition right after the ceremony.
Each class may send one team consisting of 15 students for the competition. Three winning teams will be awarded cash prize and trophies.
For more info, meet Mrs. Andini.

21. According to the text, 23 March is commemorated as ….
     A. Choir Day anniversary
     B. The school’s principal birthday
     C. The school anniversary
     D. Mr. Andini’s special day

22. To whom should we meet to get the detailed information?
     A. The principal
     B. Ms. Andini
     C. The winning team
     D. The students of SMP Bintang Kejora 

23. “Three winning teams will be awarded cash prizes and trophies” The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
     A. Given
     B. Asked
     C. Covered
     D. Delivered

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.


To all students of grade VIII. There will be a school holiday for two weeks. Please do a project of descriptive text in writing. It should be about any animal around your house. You can describe your own pet or your neighbour’s. Don’t forget to put the animal’s photo in your writing. You have to submit it on the first day of the second semester.

Mr. Hasan 
24. What is the announcement about?
     A. Semester holiday
     B. Neighbour’s pet
     C. Writing project
     D. Picture description 

25. What should the student do during their holiday?
     A. Doing project of descriptive text
     B. Describing the first day of semester
     C. Being away from school
     D. Taking pictures of a pet 

26. “You have to submit it on the first day…” What does the underlined word mean?
     A. Bring
     B. Collect
     C. Take
     D. Send

Read the following text to answer question number 27 and 28.

All students are required to attend the Indonesia Independence Day ceremony on Wednesday 17 August 2016, at 7 A.M. in the school yard. Please wear your white-blue uniform complete with all attributes.


Vice Principle. 
27. Why does the school issue this notice?
     A. To ask students to attend the Independence Day ceremony
     B. To inform about Indonesia Independence Day
     C. To tell students when the Indonesia independence day is
     D. To invite students to contribute in the Indonesia Independence Day celebration

28. What must students do in regard to the notice?
     A. Pay attention to the notice
     B. Fill all the requirements
     C. Wear tie and cap
     D. Send regard to the vice principle 

Read the following text to answer questions number 29 to 31.

In celebration of youth art month
Bina Prestasi elementary school presents


The 5th Annual Students Art Exhibition
We invite all students to participate in one of the following programs:

• Fine art
• Musical performance
• Dance performance

Please contact your art teachers or register to
29. Why does the school publish that announcement?
     A. To inform about youth art month
     B. To ask students' participations
     C. To present "creations"
     D. To contact their art teachers

30. What can students present in the art exhibition?
     A. Poetry reading
     B. Paintings
     C. Story telling
     D. Garage sale

31. "the 5th annual students art exhibition." The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...
     A. Once a year
     B. Twice a year
     C. Three times a year
     D. Four times a year

Read the following text to answer question number 32 to 34.

Approaching the summer holiday 2022, Bintang Prestasi secondary school is organizing "Youth Summer Camp"

We invite all student to this program.

When: 3-10 July 2022
Place: Bumi Perkemahaan Cibubur
Programs: Outdoor games, sports, camping

Should you interested in joining this program, please register yourself to Mr. Surya Priatna
* you should present your parents' consent when register


32. What is the announcement about?
 A. School's invitation
 B. School's registration
 C. Summer holiday
 D. Summer camp

33. What should students do if they want to join the program?
 A. Confirm the invitation
 B. Ask parents' permission
 C. Go to Bumi Perkemahan Cibubur
 D. Practice some sports

34. We know from the announcement that the program ... for one week.
 A. Survives
 B. Lasts
 C. Changes
 D. Starts