Rabu, 29 Maret 2023

NOTICE, Compiled by Wahju Indrawati


  Notice Dalam Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah, Kelas, Rumah Sakit, Dan Berbagai Tempat Lainnya

Contoh notice dalam bahasa Inggris sering kali ditemui di berbagai tempat mulai dari sekolah, rumah sakit, masjid, dan tempat-tempat umum lainnya. Yuk, baca ulasan serta penjelasan lengkapnya di sini!

Property People, notice adalah suatu pernyataan yang berisikan berbagai informasi untuk khalayak ramai.

Biasanya notice berbentuk short functional text atau gambar tertentu yang dicetak dan ditempel di papan serta disebar di area-area strategis.

Fungsi notice dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berguna agar masyarakat mematuhi aturan sehingga tata tertib pada satu wilayah dapat terjaga.

Rambu lalu lintas atau tulisan larangan membakar sampah sembarangan masuk ke dalam contoh notice yang tentunya acapkali ditemui.

Lantas, apa saja contoh notice dalam bahasa Inggris? Melansir berbagai sumber, berikut daftarnya!

Contoh Notice dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Notice di Sekolah

sumber: inggrism.com

1.      No Smoking! (dilarang merokok!)

2.      Wear your mask!  (pakailah maskermu!)

3.      Do not eating in this room! (dilarang makan di ruangan ini)

4.      Warning! Bullying is not tolerad in this school. (perhatian! perundungan tidak ditoleransi di sekolah)

5.      Student must turn off the phones before entering school building! (siswa mesti mematikan ponsel sebelum memasuki gedung sekolah)

6.      Reserved parking school buses (parkir khusus bus sekolah)

7.      Please keep gate closed! (harap tutup gerbang!)

8.      Please! No texting (tolong, tidak untuk mencoret-coret)

9.      Health notice! No pets on school grounds (tidak ada hewan peliharaan di sekolah)

10.  Keep the door closed! (tutup pintunya!)

Contoh Notice di Kelas

1.      Keep the room clean! (jagalah kebersihan ruangan)

2.      Respect your teacher! (hormati gurumu!)

3.      Keep benches clean! (jaga kebersihan bangku!)

Contoh Notice di Perpustakaan

sumber: inggrism.com

1.      Please return all books when you have finished using them! (harap kembalikan semua buku setelah kamu selesai menggunakannya!)

2.      Quiet please! (harap tenang!)

3.      Do not speak loud! (dilarang berbicara dengan suara keras)

4.      Keep this door closed! (pastikan pintu tertutup!)

5.      No food and drink! (tidak diperbolehkan membawa makanan dan minuman)

Contoh Notice di Rumah Sakit

sumber: hcbrands.com

1.      No entry! (dilarang masuk!)

2.      Lab coats must to be worn in this area (jas lab harus dipakai di area ini)

3.      No alcohol (dilarang membawa alkohol)

4.      No gun allowed here (dilarang membawa senjata)

5.      Keep silent! (tetap tenang)

Contoh Notice di Masjid

1.      Please, turn off your cell phone when entering a mosque (mohon matikan ponsel ketika memasuki masjid)

2.      Don’t sleep over here (jangan tidur di sini)

3.      It’s forbidden to make noise in the mosque (dilarang membuat keributan di masjid)

4.      This area monitored by CCTV (area ini dipantau CCTV)

5.      Don’t be noisy! (jangan berisik!)

Notice di Restoran atau Tempat Makan

sumber: accuform.com

1.      Do not park in front of door (jangan parkir di depan pintu)

2.      Bringing food and beverage from outside is not allowed (dilarang membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar)

3.      Sorry we are now closed until tomorrow (maaf, kami tutup hingga besok)

Contoh Notice Information

1.      Queue this side (antre di sini!)

2.      No swimming in here (dilarang berenang di sini!)

3.      Use the hand dryer (gunakan pengering tangan)

4.      Do not throw trash in toilet (jangan buang sampah di toilet)

5.      Flush toilet after use (siram toilet setelah digunakan)

Rabu, 08 Maret 2023

PRACTICE SIMPLE PAST TENSE, Compiled by Wahju Indrawati, M.P.d


1. I __________In Solo last week.

A. Were

B. Was

C. Am

D. Is

Jawaban: B

2. My mother was in the kitchen, she __________ some cakes for four hours ago.

A. Cooked

B. Cooks

C. Cooking

D. Cook

Jawaban: A

3. He __________ always study hard when he was a student.

A. Did not

B. Does not

C. Do not

D. Did

Jawaban: A

4. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?

Mela: ……………….

A. I am watching drama series on VIU last night

B. I watch drama series on VIU last night

C. I watched drama series on VIU last night

D. I watches drama series on VIU last night

Jawaban: C

5. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense (susunlah kata acak dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar dalam bentuk simple past tense)

1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call

A. 2-1-3-4

B. 4-1-2-1

C. 3-1-2-4

D. 3-1-4-2

Jawaban: D

6. Mr. Angga _____________Mr. Joe this afternoon.

A. Meet

B. Have met

C. Has met

D. Met


7. The children _____and______in the party last night.

A. Sing and dance

B. Were singing and dancing

C. Sang and danced

D. Had sung and danced


8. She ___________out of the window this morning.

A. Looks

B. Looked

C. Had looked

D. Look


9. The boy __________ tell lies to his mom last week.

A. Did not

B. Do not

C. Does not

D. Had not


10. The Students_________ in the class after ceremonylast Monday.

A. Drinks

B. Dunk

C. Did not drink

D. Does not drink


11. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense.

1. At 2. yesterday 3. they 4. the 5. lunch 6. had 7. restaurant

A. 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 7

B. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

C. 3 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 2

D. 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2


12. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

A. Cooking

B. Cooked

C. Cooks

D. Cook


13. I….. this floor yesterday

A. Swept

B. Sweep

C. Sweeps

D. Sweeped





14. I………to the school alone yesterday

A. Walk

B. Walked

C. Walks

D. Walking



15. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago

A. Ate

B. Eaten

C. Eating

D. Eat


16. I……in this sofa with him just now.

A. Sleeping

B. Sleep

C. Slept

D. Sleped


17. We…… each other 2 years ago

A. Love

B. Be loving

C. Are love

D. Loved


18. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

A. Cuted

B. Cuting

C. Cut

D. Be cutted


19………he read novel last night?

A. Do

B. Did

C. Done

D. Are


20. My brother…….this novel yesterday

A. Reading

B. Reads

C. Read

D. Readed


21. We……to the collage yesterday

A. Walking

B. Walk

C. Walked

D. Be walking


22. My students……hard last night

A. Study

B. Studied

C. Was study

D. Studying


23. My teacher……..me about this mathematic last year

A. Taught

B. Teaching

C. Teaches

D. Teach


24. I……a cake to your house last night

A. Bring

B. Brought

C. Brings

D. Bringing


25. Julio…….an active student last year

A. Were

B. Was

C. Is

D. Are


26. He didn’t . . . . . the answer for that question

A. Knew

B. Knows

C. Know

D. Knowing


27. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia . . . . . cheap.

A. Was not

B. Did not

C. Were not

D. Is not


28. Maria … to market 2 days ago.

A. Go

B. Goes

C. Went

D. Gone


29. She bought a t-shirt …

A. Yesterday

B. Tomorrow

C. Tonight

D. Today


30. I saw, It … small size

A. Does

B. Do

C. Are

D. Was


31. Miss Yoannita . . . . . here yesterday

A. Is

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were


32. Maman . . . . . the Headmaster of my school in 2010.

A. Is

B. Was

C. Were

D. Are


33. She didn’t . . . . . her holiday anywhere

A. Spent

B. Spending

C. Spend

D. Spends


34. Did he . . . . . english last night?

A. Studies

B. Studied

C. Study

D. Studying


35. They . . . . . a soccer player before the accident happened.

A. Am

B. Are

C. Was

D. Were
