Selasa, 03 Oktober 2023

LABEL, compiled by Wahju Indrawati, MP.d

 Labels Bahasa Inggris

BAHASA INGGRISBANK SOALPENDIDIKAN ear pain relief drug facts labels soal bahasa inggris





homeopathic ear pain relief drug facts labels soal bahasa inggris

Labels adalah keterangan yang terdapat di bagian luar kemasan sebuah produk atau barang. Di label produk biasanya terdapat kalimat yang menunjukkan keunggulan produk, petunjuk penggunaan, komposisi produk, serta indikasi.

Selain itu, label juga dapat berbentuk nutrition fact dan drug facts. Nutrition fact adalah informasi tentang nilai kandungan gizi suatu makanan, minuman olahan, atau siap konsumsi. Informasi tersebut sangat berguna untuk mengetahui pola makan yang sehat karena tidak hanya membantu membatasi kandungan gizi yang ingin dikurangi, tetapi juga meningkatkan gizi yang dibutuhkan dalam jumlah tertentu. Dalam nutrition fact, disajikan informasi yang meliputi takaran saji (serving size), jumlah takaran dalam satu kemasan makanan, jumlah kalori, gizi (zat dan vitamin) yang terkandung, catatan kaki (footnote), dan % Daily values yang berdasar pada rekomendasi nilai harian untuk beberapa gizi penting, tetapi hanya untuk diet 2.000 kalori per hari, bukan 2.500 kalori.

Sedangkan drug fact adalah informasi rinci suatu obat yang meliputi bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam obat tersebut, kegunaan, indikasi, dosis, dan peringatan

Soal Labels Materi Bahasa Inggris

The following test is for question 1 to 2.

labels bahasa inggrislabels bahasa inggris

1.  What is the purpose of the text?
A. To show the ingredients of a product.
B. To explain the superiority of a product.
C. To describe the nutrition fact of product.
D. To give detailed information about a product.

2.  From the text, we can conclude that the product …
A. is safe for all people
B. is good for our health
C. contains saturated fats
D. in made from wheat only

The following text is for questions 3 and 4.

3.  The product is made for people who suffer ….
A. allergy
B. glaucoma
C. bronchitis
D. emphysema

4.  What should people read to know hot to consume the product?
A. The uses
B. The warnings
C. The directions
D. The ingredients



The following text is for questions 5 and 6.

soal labels bahasa inggrissoal labels bahasa inggris

5.  What is the product used for?
A. To scent the room
B. To moisturize the skin
C. To repel insects from houses
D. To protect user from insects bites

6.  From the label we know that …
A. the product is harmful to human skin
B. the product contains unnatural ingredients
C. we should stop using it when rash appears
D. we should keep the product in a warm place

The following text is for questions 7 and 8.

7.  What is the label about?
A. Food
B. Vitamin
C. Beverage
D. Supplement

8.  Why do you think we should consume the product?
A. it is healthy
B. it is zero fat
C. it contains vitamins
D. it has calcium






The following text is for questions 9 and 11.

groovy gravy label soal bahasa inggrisgroovy gravy label soal bahasa inggris

9.  What product is the label about?
A. Food for kids.
B. Dairy milk.
C. Full Cream milk.
D. Cereal for kids.

10.                   From the text we know that …
A. the product contains vitamins.
B. the product contains mostly carbohydrate
C. the amount of protein per serving is more than the sugars
D. the daily value percentage of calcium is less than that of trans fat

11.                   “Servings per containers 5″
what does the bolded word mean?
A. A package
B. A storage place
C. A large box
D. A metal tin.

The following text is for questions 12 and 15.

12.What label is it for?
A. Anti dandruff and shampoo
B. Anti dandruff conditioner
C. Shampoo for dry scalp
D. Dandruff shampoo and conditioner

13.People use this product in order to …
A. make their hair black
B. diminish scalp itch
C. remove dandruff
D. prevent hair fall

14.The product is not for children because ….
A. it can cause irritation
B. it is dangerous if swallowed
C. the scalp itch may worsen
D. dandruff in children is hard to remove

15.From the text we can conclude that ….
A. doctor’s advice is needed before using the product
B. to get the best result, people use the product once a week
C. nothing happens when the product contacts with eyes
D. the product quality is excellently guaranteed










The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

homeopathic ear pain relief drug facts labels soal bahasa inggrishomeopathic ear pain relief drug facts labels soal bahasa inggris

16.                   Why does the writer write the label?
A. To tell us how to use the ear drops.
B. To show the content of the ear drops.
C. To inform about the use of the ear drops.
D. To give detailed information about the ear drops.

17.                   What should people do before using the product?
A. Read the label carefully
B. See a doctor to consult
C. Check the use of the product
D. Use antibiotics for all ear pains.

18.Look at the following picture and answer the question.



The text is written with the intention ....


to give detailed information about the product to the customers


to make people interested to buy the product


to tell the procedure how to consume the product


to inform the materials of the product and its effect to the health


19.AThe label of a product or item is usually attached to ... of the product.





the cap


the outer packaging


the inner part


the bottom part










20.Look at the following picture and answer the question.

The product is suggested to be consumed in the ....




















21.Look at the following label and answer the question.


The following statements are true based on the text, except ....


People are expected to drive carefully and safely after consuming the products.


The product should be prescribed by a doctor if consumers have glaucoma or are about to deliver a baby.


Those who drink tranquillizers before taking this medicine might get excessive drowsiness.









22. What is the purpose of the text?

    A. To give detailed information about the product.

    B. To describe what the breakfast cereals are.

    C. To share the kind of cereals you can buy.

    D. To know the advantage of the product.

23. From the the text we know that the product must be ... by one who has asthma.

    A. consumed

    B. purchased

    C. removed

    D. avoided

24. What is the most percentage of the ingredients in the product?

     A. Phosphorus.

     B. Vitamin C.

     C. Calcium.

     D. Niaciin.

25. "No Preservatives."

    The word "preservatives" means ....

     A. an additive used to protect against decay, discoloration, or spoilage

    B. a coloring artificial to make the product more beautiful

    C. a flavor additives to get the nicer food taste

    D. an emulsifier to make the product soft

26. From the text we can conclude that the product is kind of ....

    A. crackers

    B. bread

    C. nuts

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