Obligation, Prohibition, Suggestion / Recommendation,
Instruction, Invitation, and Permission
Hai Friends !!
Come back with me, hope you're all fine there !
Today, I will explain about Obligation, Prohibition, Suggestion/Recommendation, Instruction, Invitation,
and Permission
Anyone not clearly yet ? So, let's begin !
- Social function
The way to express what they have to do or
we/I have to do. Cara untuk mengekspresikan apa yang harus mereka
lakukan atau kami/saya lakukan.
- Structure
Subject + Have to/ Has to + Verb base + (
Object ) + ( Adv ), or
Subject + Must + Verb base + ( Object ) + (
Adv )
The difference is :
- 'Have/Has to' used to express an obligation
that comes from someone else.'Have/Has to' digunakan untuk mengekspresikan
kewajiban yang datang dari orang lain.
- 'Must' used to express an obligation that
comes from the speaker.'Must' digunakan untuk mengkespresikan kewajiban yang
datang dari diri sendiri/pembicara.
- Example from book
We must wear a uniform every
day. From Monday to Thursday we must wear a batik shirt.
The girls must wear a black shirt, and the boys must wear
a pair of black pants... Kita harus menggunakan
seragam setiap hari. Dari senin sampai selasa kita harus menggunakan
baju batik. Perempuan harus menggunakan kaos hitam, dan
laki-laki harus menggunakan sepasang celana hitam..
- Example from comic dialog
- Social function
The way to express what they do not have to do
or we/I do not have to do. Cara untuk mengekspresikan apa yang seharusnya
tidak mereka lakukan atau kami/saya tidak lakukan.
- Structure
Subject + must not/ mustn't + Verb base + (
object ) + ( Adv )
Subject + have not/haven't + Verb base + (
object ) + ( Adv )
Subject + has not/hasn't + Verb base + (
object ) + ( Adv )
Subject + Do not/don't + Verb base + (
object ) + ( Adv )
Subject + Don't have to + Verb base + (
object ) + ( Adv )
- Example from book
We must not be late to
school. Kita seharusnya tidak terlambat berangkat ke
We must not come in until the
security guard gives us permissions. Kita seharusnya
tidak masuk sampai penjaga gerbang memberikan ijin.
We must not litter. Kita seharusnya
tidak membuang sampah sembarangan.
- Social function
The way to express what they/we/I should do. Cara
untuk mengekspresikan apa yang sebaiknya mereka/kami/saya lakukan.
- Structure
Subject + Should + Verb base + ( object ) + (
Adv )
- Example from book
We will use more English now. You should greet me and your friends in English. You should ask questions in English. You should answer questions in English...Kita akan menggunakan lebih banyak bahasa Inggris sekarang. Kamu seharusnya menyapa saya dan temanmu dalam bahasa Inggris. Kamu seharusnya bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Kamu seharusnya menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Social function of
INSTRUCTION or direction for doing a job. Suatu perintah atau arahan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
- Structure
Verb 1 + ( object ) + ( Adv )
Please, verb 1 + ( object ) + ( Adv )
Verb 1 + ( object ) + ( Adv ) + please
- Example froom book
Siti : "Dayu, thanks for the purse i like
it."Dayu, terima kasih untuk dompetnya, aku suka."
Dayu : "Open it, please. There's
something in it." Tolong buka itu. Ada sesuatu didalamnya."
Bayu : "Open it now, Lina. I
hope you like it." Buka itu sekarang, Lina. Aku harap kamu suka
Lina : "Sure. Alright. Let me open it
now." "Tentu. Baiklah. Biarkan aku buka ini sekarang."
Bayu : "Siti, Dayu, let's sing
Lina's favourite song together." "Siti, Dayu, mari menyanyi
lagu kesukaan Lina bersama."
Siti & Dayu : "Sure." "
- Social function
Invitation is An invitation is
a request , a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at
a specific event. Invitation adalah sebuah permintaan, ajakan, atau
upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bersedia bergabung atau datang dengan
kita pada suatu acara tertentu. ( Dikutip dari Englishclass.com )
- Structure
Verb 1 + Object + Adv
Will/Would + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + Adv +
Can/Could + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + Adv +
Example :
A ( Inviting ) : "Would
you go to the party with me ?" "Maukah kamu pergi ke pesta
denganku ?"
B ( Accepting ) :
"Sure, thank you." "Baiklah, terima kasih."
A ( Inviting ) : "Why
don't you join our study club ?" "Kenapa kamu tidak ikut klub
belajar kami ?"
B ( Declining ) : "Very
sorry, I've already joined Maya's study club." "Maaf sekali,
aku sudah akan ikut klub belajarnya Maya."
- Example from book
Edo : "Hello, Beni. This is Edo. How are you
?" "Hallo, Beni. Ini Edo. Bagaimana kabarmu ?"
Beni : "I'm fine." "Saya
Edo : "Beni, are you coming to Lina's
birthday party ?" "Beni, apakah kamu datang ke pesta ulang
tahun Lina ?"
Beni : "Yes. You are coming too, aren't
you ?" "Ya. Kamu juga datangkan ?"
Edo : "Of course. Let's walk together to
her house." "Tentu. Ayo jalan bersama ke rumahnya."
Beni : "Ok. Don't forget to wear a
T-shirt. We will play outdoor games here." "Ok. Jangan lupa
untuk menggunakan kaos. Kita akan bermain game luar ruangan disana."
Edo : "Really ? Okay, I will wear my
purple T-shirt. So we'll just walk to Lina's party, right ? Wait for me near
the bridge." " Benarkah ? Oke, aku akan menggunakan kaos ungu
ku. Jadi kita akan jalan kaki ke Pestanya Lina, benar ? Tunggu aku di dekat
Beni : "Okay. We'll meet at 9 there. Be
there on time. Don't let me wait too long." "Oke.Kita akan
bertemu jam 9 disana. Datanglah tepat waktu. Jangan biarkan aku menunggu
terlalu lama."
Edo : "Yes. Don't forget to have your
breakfast before you go" "Ya. Jangan lupa untuk sarapan dulu
sebelum kamu pergi."
Beni : "Certainly. See you then.
Thanks." "Pasti. Sampai bertemu kalau begitu. Makasi."
- Social function
For give/ask permission to someone before to
do something. Dilakukan untuk memberikan/meminta ijin kepada seseorang
sebelum melakukan sesuatu.
- Structure
May /Can + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + Adv + ?
Example :
A ( Asking ) : "Can I turn on he TV,
Mom ?" "Bisakah aku menghidupkan televisi, Ma ?"
B ( Giving ) : "Yes, of
course." "Ya, tentu."
A ( Asking ) : "May I use your
dictionary, please ?" "Bolehkah aku menggunkan kamus
mu,, tolong ?"
B ( Declining ) : "Sorry, I'm using it
now." "Maaf, aku sedang menggunakannya sekarang."
- Example from book
Teacher : "Hey, Udin. What are you doing
here ?"
Udin : "May I wash my hands,
Ma'am ?"
Teacher : "That's wrong Siti."
Siti : "Sorry, Ma'am. May I ask
may group to help me to do it ?"
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusNama:Putri Nur Fadillah
Must=you must obey your parents
Should=you should learn and practice English more often
Aulia Eka Rahayu-9/8A
Hapus-we have to study hard to get good grades.
-you must keep the school clean.
Pramudya Ananta / 20 / 8B
BalasHapusExample of sentences :
We must have breakfast every morning
You should've come to Shiratorizawa
-you must try this food
BalasHapus-you should eating this food for now
Niajeng Amelia Puspitasari/19
Safira Dini Putri/26-8B
BalasHapus- I should be able to dance and sing
- I have to do that in front of
Wieta Rezky Trengganie/31/8B
BalasHapusMust: I mustn't eat spicy food cause i have a maag
Should: My mom is sick. Should i go to school by bicycle?
Reyhan Wira Pratama/24/8B
BalasHapusExample of sentences :
You must practice futsal this afternoon
Clay should eat before swimming
Queen azalia rahmawati/21/8B
BalasHapusMust: we must be kind
Should : should we prepare for lunch?
You must be have to holiday weekend
BalasHapusThey should studying for the test
Theresa Yohana Otaviani/28/8B
-you must pray five times a day
BalasHapus-you should do your homework
revanda athalya zahra/23
-Doni has to do that hatl even though he doesn't want to
BalasHapus-I think you should choose yellow over red
Wempi Alwi Mudzakkar/30
can i use your car?
BalasHapusCan I buy your car?
-you have to try my drink, it's so delicious
BalasHapus-you should have breakfast this morning
Michelle Fiorentina E.U/15/8B
Mario Indra Andrianto/13/VIII-B
BalasHapus- I have to buy this food first
- You should cook noodles like this
Felicia Florence/9/8B
BalasHapusMust: You must see the doctor i you feeling unwell.
Should:You should watch Jumanji.
You have to do English homework
BalasHapusYou should in mosque
– I must to study every day
BalasHapus– I should have breakfast before going to school
Alif Abdurazzaq Baros Ramadhan/03
Adnan Hanif Wicaksono/2
BalasHapusI have to wear a mask while outside
I should not eat that food
1.must pray in the morning
BalasHapus2.they should have breakfast in the morning
kadek ayu dian a/10
Obligotion : our obligotion in class to carry out piket
BalasHapusSuggestion : my adivice is that the bacis spices should be prokessed in a blebder so that the texture
Shoulod : we should go to scholl earlier before the bell rings so we won't be late
(Dyas Khomsa Salbilla/7)
They must be here before 8 am
BalasHapusMaritza rikzy rahmasari /14
Kenz Maulana Fatah/11
BalasHapus- I have to an obligation to do homework
- I should be able to do my homework on time
Raisyah Firda Amelia/22/8B
BalasHapus- we must study before Exam
- you should to answer my questions,d
sisbei kusumo widagdo/27
BalasHapus- I have to buy this music first
- You should guitar like this
Nama: Navand Labib Afiq
BalasHapusNo.Absen: 20
Kelas: 8D
- We have to do the work immediately
- You should have chased after him
Nama: Yahya Sugeng Prasetya
BalasHapusNo: 31
Kls : 8D
Obligotion : our abligotion auss carry outpike
Suggestion: my adivice is that the Navis spices shoult be prokessed in abledder so that the texture
- I have to eat my breakfast in the morning
BalasHapus- i should wear blue and white uniform in the monday
22.Panembahan Aryo Panuntun
Qaila Ainurrokhim//24//8D
BalasHapus•i have to study hard
•i should answer your question
Qaila Ainurrokhim//24//8D
BalasHapus• i have to study hard
• i should answer your question
Name: Rohadatul'Aisyi
BalasHapusNo: 26
Class: 8D
-I must to water mother's plants in the morning
-You should to read this comic
Name:prabu Galih p.u
- i have to cross over there
- i should drink that drink
Name : Kezia Mutiara Aurelia
BalasHapusAbsent : 17
Class : 8C
1. Students must wear uniforms.
2. You should study.
Yerico Andika Pratama // 29
BalasHapus1. Obligation : You have to study as a student
2. You should train to be a champion
Rut Immanuela/8C/26
BalasHapus- You have to do your homework
- Yoy should throw trash at the place
Nama : Muhammad Fakhru Aulia Al-Khawarizmi
BalasHapusNo absen : 20
Kelas : 8C
- I must finish all of my duty
- She should pay course fee
Name : Lita Ayu Rahman Nurbaity
BalasHapusClass: 8C
You must keep the house clean
You should learn and practice English more often
Nama : Zhafira Eka Yulianti
BalasHapusAbsen : 31
Kelas : 8c
- I have to do housework everyday
- You ought to eat breakfast before go to school
Name:Bryant Abraham Leemans
-I have to pray everyday
-I should eat in the morning
Nama : slyvester Grady Rahadian
BalasHapusNo : 28
Class : 8c
I must go to course after this
You should doing your home aktivity
Nama : Zanuar Nur Fadila
BalasHapusNo : 30
Kelas: 8C
• I must be a good boy
• You should doing your homework
Nama:Rahayu Devitasari
-we have to do a good job
-you should do your homework on time
Nama:Rahayu Devitasari
-we have to do a good job
-you should do your homework on time
Nama: Nethania Fatimatus Fairuzah
BalasHapusNo. Absen: 21
Kelas: VIII-C
- I must talk to my teacher
- You should go to school at 7
Samudra Haydar Ahmad/27/8D
BalasHapusObligation : I Must set alarm at 4 am
For pray shubuh.
Suggestion : You should breakfast
Before doing activities.
Nama: Catur Bunga Safira
BalasHapusNo/kelas: 08/8D
— I must talk to my parents
— You should go to bed at 9 pm
Nama:Mukhlisin Ikhsan Nurudin
-We have to study well
-You should come to school on time
Nama: Azahra Mecca Justisia Ayu Nandya
BalasHapusNo absen: 4
Kelas: 8d
- you must respect your family
- we should see a doctor
Ahmad Fahmi Ibnu Luqman/01/8D
BalasHapus-I have to help mom
-You should give a doll gift
Nama : Azzarine Apta Naila
BalasHapusNo. Absen : 05
Kelas : 8D
Obligation : you have to stop loving him
Suggestion : you should be proud to have him
in your life
Nama: Fit'rotul Deandini
BalasHapusNo absen:15
- we have to win this match.
- we should be able to catch the fish earlier.
Name : Bagus Ridho Abadi
BalasHapusNo : 06,8D
• I must to learn english tomorrow.
• You should do your homework on time.
Nama: Aline Noviana Annuru
BalasHapusNo: 02
Kelas: 8D
Obligation : you must leave now
Suggestion : you should have breakfast before going to school
Nama : Bunga Cinta Woro Lalla Shalshabila
BalasHapusKelas : 8d
No. Absen : 7
- we have to be ourselves
- you should take care of your health
Aqila Nadhif Tiann Rafifa
-you must keep the school clean
-he should come to the school now
Nama: Erlangga Arya Reswara
BalasHapusNo: 14
Kelas: 8D
-I must to play with my friends
-I should have woken up on time
Nama : Dewi Uswatun Khasanah
BalasHapusKelas : 8D
Absen : 10
-we have to throw trash in its place
-kevin you shouldn't sleep in the class
Name : Vivi Dwi Vaharani
BalasHapusNo. : 30
Class: 8D
Contoh kalimat :
Obligation : I must study hard for the final semester exam at school.
Suggestion : I should be able to do the problem correctly.
Nama:Adrian Purwa Wardhana
Obligation:I must wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle
I should study harder so I can get good score
Nama : Indira Septia Ramadhani
BalasHapusAbsen : 15
Kelas : 8c
1.you have to clean the room
2. You should go with me
Nama : Hanifa. Fitrinasari. Absen 14. Kelas 8-C
BalasHapus1. I have to give feedback
2. You should give me news
Nama:Darrien Atwell Retek
Obligation:You must to eat the pancake.
Suggestion:I should bring my phone on your party.
Nama : Cristian Ruben Saputra
BalasHapusNo : 10
Kelas : VIII - C
1.You have to do all the housework.
2.You should to go school today.
Name: Chelsea Joycellyn Carlene Wijaya
BalasHapusClass: VIII-C
Absent: 6/six
We must go to school today.
You shouldn't wake up late.
Nama:Christian Immanuel triono
1.we have to study even though we got good grades
2.we should just give up there`s still ano ther time
Agit Nadiprana/03/8C
BalasHapusAbligation :
We have to wear scout clothes on Friday and Saturday
Sugesstion :
You should wear a hat at the ceremony
Claudya Cinta Bella/9/8C
She must wear a mask everyday.
You should go to the doctor.
Nama: Vita Az Zahra
BalasHapusNo. Absen: 29
Kelas: 8D
We have to be at the airport two hours before the flight.
My mother has a toothache, she should go to the dentist.
Nama Dhimas Bagus Noroyono
BalasHapusNo absen 11
Kelas VIII-D
1. You must wear a helmet when riding
2. You should use colored pencils instead of markers for coloring
Nama : Trenza Putra Praditya
BalasHapusNo.Absen : 28
Kelas : 8D
I have to wake up early tomorrow
You should have submitted the assignment earlier
Muhammad Faiz A/18/8D
BalasHapusI must talk to my parent before i leave
You should study harder than before
Nama : Revina Yunita Agustin
BalasHapusNo absen : 25
Kelas : 8C
1.You have to study harder so that you get a satisfactory grade
2.you should not only play but also help your parents
Nama: Maharani Nabilah Veda Ramadhani
BalasHapusNo. Absen: 19
Kelas: 8A
1. I have to go to the basketball club
2. They should be listening to the teacher.
Nama : Lazuardi Ramadhan Yoga Susanto
BalasHapusNo.absen : 17
Kelas : 8A
1. I have to help Wesley build the boat
2. You should make a new airplane livery
Nama:Rafly Ahmad Bayhaqi
Obligation:you must to eat the pizza
Suggestion:you should do this ridicolous thing
Nama: Ersya Arkanendra
BalasHapusNo absen:32
1.I have to clean the bedroom
2. Let's go to the bookstore this weekend!
Nama:Maha Putra Ade Rahmatullah
Kelas :8A
• must have an obligation to do school work
• I sloud be able to do my work on time
Nama: Muhammad Aldo Bramantio
BalasHapusNo absen:21
1.You must eat breakfast before going to school
2.You should go to the dentist now
Nama:Mukhammad Rizky Pradana
BalasHapusNo absen 23
Kelas: 8A
Obligation:I must to clean the room
Suggestion: You should to clean the classroom every wednesday, cleanly
Nama : Muhammad Varel Anugrah Ramadhan
BalasHapusNo absen : 20
Kelas : 8A
1.I have to go to school before it's too late
2.You should go to the doctor immediately to get well soon
Nama:Raissa Vania Chandra Zulhijjah
1.You have to wear a uniform to school.
2.You should not play game before the exam.
Nama : Nakeisha Shaffira Aprilianti
BalasHapusNo absen : 24
Kelas : 8A
Abligation :
I must apply sunblock on my body, because I'm going to the beach.
Suggestion :
They should cross together to be safe.
Mama:M.Dzakwan Favian
•I have to do my home work
•you better go home
Nama : Reitan Kayla Ramadhani
BalasHapusNo. Absen : 27
Kelas : 8A
1. You have to wear a seat belt when you drive car.
2. You should learn and practice Chinese more often.
nama : Cindy Dwi Lestari
BalasHapusno absen : 12
kelas : 8A
1. you have to go to school on time.
2. You should bring food to school.
Nama : Abista Essa Sashita Dewi
BalasHapusAbsen : 02
Kelas : VIII-A
• I have to help my friend whenever they is in trouble
• I think you should buy that bag
Nama: Dhealova Rifianti
BalasHapusNo absen:13
Kelas : 8A
-You have to try my foof, it's so delicious
-you should have breakfast this morning
nama: ameldha pungky wijaya
BalasHapusabsen: 08
kelas: 8a
1. You must respect your familly
2. You look exhausted. you should get some rest
Nama : alby dhaffa ario marshada
BalasHapusNo.abs : 06
Kelas : VIII A
You have to drink enough water
You should not tell lies to your parents
nama:siti maimunah kittiyah
1 They must be here before 8 am
2 Don’t play too many games, you should be able to share playing and learning time.
Alfa nur h.
1.I have to go to the market
2.you should not only play but also help your parents
Nama: Gesby Cantika Hanum
1.You must respect your family.
2.Let's go to the bookstore this weekend!.
Nama: Saniyyah Candani Amru
BalasHapusAbsen: 30
kelas: 8A
1. We don't have to pay it here.
2. We should attend the birthday party on time.
Nama : Ahnaf Gilang Ariyanto
BalasHapusNo. Absen :05
Kelas: 8A
1.I must wear his osis uniform on monday
2.You should be calm in the classroom
1.I have to clean my clasroom because it's dirty
BalasHapus2.We should go to her house tomorrow
Nama : Erlando Ferdinan Yusuffarel
BalasHapusNo absen : 14
Kelas : 8A
1.I have to dress up neatly to go to school.
2.I should got to swiming pool tomorrow
Ahmad Haidar Muiz
Nama :Amar F
BalasHapusNo absen : 7
Kelas : 8 A
1.I have to clean my clasroom because it's dirty
2.We should go to her house tomorrow
Nama:Abdul Aziz
1.you have to sleep at night
2.you should eat in the morning
Nama : Ken Ardhana Caitra Susanto
BalasHapusNo Absen : 16
Kelas: VIII-A 🙏🏻
-You have to stop at the traffic lights when the light is red
- I must talk to my mother before i leave
-I should tell her the truth.
-You should pay the fees on time.
Nama : Ken Ardhana Caitra Susanto
BalasHapusNo Absen : 16
Kelas: VIII-A 🙏🏻
-I have to go to dentist today
- I must talk to my mother before i leave the house
-She should do the task
-He should call me today
Nama: Rivaldo Dwi Fernanda
BalasHapusNo Absen: 29
Kelas: 8A
OBLIGATION: You must come to school ontime
SUGGESTION: You should study hard to get good score in Math.
Nama: Nilza Anindhita
Obligation: We have to learn every day
Suggestion : We should hone our talents
Nama: Faiz Safaraz tri wardhana
BalasHapusNo absen:08
- we have to win this match.
- we should be able to catch the fish earlier.