Rabu, 15 September 2021

 PROCEDURE TEXT compiled by Mrs. Wahju Indrawati, MP.d

1. Orange Juice.

 Procedure Text.

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How To Make Orange Juice


  • Mature 50 ml water
  • The sweet orange fruit (orange Sunkist)
  • Ice Cubes


Prepare the fresh orange fruit
  1. Peel the skin and fiber
  2. Enter into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical)
  3. Combine water and ice cubes (you can also mix honey)
  4. Blender for about 3 minutes and then pour into a glass
  5. Orange juice are ready to be enjoyed.


How To Make Orange Juice


  1. Buah jeruk manis (jeruk Sunkist)
  2. Air matang 50 ml
  3. Es batu

Langkah – langkah:

  1. Kupas kulit dan juga seratnya
  2. Masukkan ke dalam blender (bisa memakai juicer agar lebih praktis)
  3. Campurkan air dengan es batu (Kalian juga dapat mencampurkan madu)
  4. Blender sekitar 3 menit kemudian tuangkan ke dalam gelas.
  5. Jus jeruk siap dinikmati.

2.Avocado Juice.

Procedure Text:

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How to Make Avocado Juice


  • 1 avocado
  • 1 cup water/milk
  • 1.5 tsp brown sugar
  • 5 tbsp milk power
    *omit milk powder if u r using milk

How to make:

  1. Cut in between the seed of avocado, and then twist.
  2. Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon.
  3. Put the milk powder (or milk), water, and brown sugar into the blender and blend it till smooth.
  4. Ready to drink! This is another easy way besides using it to make salad and good for skin too.


Cara membuat jus alpukat


  • 1 alpukat
  • 1 gelas air / susu
  • 1,5 sdt gula merah
  • 5 sdm kekuatan susu
    * hilangkan susu bubuk apabila kalian memakai susu

Cara membuat:

  1. Potong di antara biji alpukat, dan kemudian diputar.
  2. Ambil dagingnya memakai sendok logam.
  3. Masukkan bubuk susu (atau susu), air, serta gula merah ke dalam blender serta blender hingga halus.
  4. Siap untuk diminum! Ini merupakan cara lain yang mudah selain memakainya untuk digunakan sebagai bahan membuat salad serta tentunya baik untuk kulit juga.

3.Fried Banana

Contoh Procedure Text:

contoh procedure text how to make

How to Make Fried Banana


  • 1 ripe black-skinned plantain or 4 small finger banana (make sure that the banana is sweet)
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 6 tbs. flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • water
  • vegetable oil for deep frying

Steps/ Instruction:

  1. Place flour in a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. Add water little by little. Whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating and not too thin. If it is too thin, add more flour.
  2. Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. Dip into batter to coat generously.
  3. Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. Place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.
  4. Serve while still warm


Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng


  • 1 pisang raja berkulit hitam matang atau 4 pisang jari kecil (pastikan pisang itu manis)
  • 1 sendok teh gula
  • 1 butir telur
  • 6 sendok makan tepung
  • sedikit garam
  • air
  • minyak sayur untuk menggoreng

Langkah/ Instruksi:

  1. Tempatkan tepung dalam mangkuk. Buat sebuah lubang di tengah tepung, kemudian tambahkan telur, gula serta garam. Tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit. Kocok dengan kuat hingga adonan rata halus untuk lapisan serta tidak terlalu tipis. Apabila terlalu tipis, kalian bisa tambahkan tepung kembali.
  2. Kupas pisang raja atau pisang serta potong setengah memanjang lalu potong kembali dengan lebar 4 inci. Celupkan ke dalam adonan untuk melapisi dengan berhati – hati.
  3. Panaskan minyak dalam wajan atau penggorengan sampai lumayan panas. Masukan pisang yang telah dilapisi adonan di wajan atau deep fryer serta goreng perlahan hingga berwarna coklat keemasan serta renyah. Proses ini biasanya akan memakan waktu sekitar 10 – 15 menit. Angkat pisang dari minyak, tiriskan di atas serbet kertas serta keringkan.
  4. Sajikan selagi masih hangat

46 komentar:

  1. Q: What is the next step after peeling the orange skin and fiber?
    A: The next step is enter it into a blender.

  2. Q : What ingredients are used to make orange juice?

    A : The ingredients for making orange juice are
    • Mature 50 ml water
    • The sweet orange fruit (orange Sunkist)
    • Ice Cubes

  3. What is the ingredients to make avocado juice?
    1 avocado
    1 cup water or milk
    1,5tsp brown sugar
    5tbsp milk powder

  4. Ayu Septiara Chusna/11
    1.Can you make juice with granulated sugar??
    =Of course...But it's also better if you make brown sugar
    2. What Are The Benefits Of Avocado Juice?
    = Besides being delicious and refreshing, avocado fruit is also very good for skin health
    3.Do Fried Bananas Use Flour Coating
    =Of course...so that the bananas don't crumble

  5. Q: what is the step before Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon.
    A: Cut in between the seed of avocado, and then twist.

  6. A: What are the ingredients for making orange juice?

    B: Mature, orange sunkist, and ice cubes

    A: How much water is needed?

    B: Water needed as much as 50ml

  7. Ahmad Ghany Aziz Arifian/04/9F
    Q: what is the step before Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon.
    A: Cut in between the seed of avocado, and then twist.

  8. Muhammad Fiqo Kholasul Fuad/25/9F

    Q: How many glasses of water it takes to make avocado juice?
    A: 1 cup of water/milk

    1. Muhammad Fiqo Kholasul Fuad/25/9F

      Q: What is the second step to make fried bananas?
      A: Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. Dip into batter to coat generously

  9. Mohamad Akbar Kayla Fatha Al Kindy/23

    Q:how many glasses of water or milk is needed to make avocado juice?
    A: Water or milk needed to make avocado juice is 1 water or milk

  10. ingredients for making orange juice

    Mature 50 ml water
    The sweet orange fruit (orange Sunkist)
    Ice Cubes

  11. A: what to do after cutting avocado?
    B: Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon

  12. Adya Wira Bumi/02/9-F

    Q:What is the third step to make fried banana
    A:Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. Place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.

  13. Adi Achya Rain P/01/9F

    Q: when is the right time to serve fried

    A: serve while warm

  14. Dafares Alanbiya Dusana 9F/12

    Q: How long does it take to fry a banana that has been coated in batter?

    A: This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes.

  15. Muhammad Daffa Fahmi/24/9F
    Q: What bananas are used to make fried bananas?

    A: ripe black-skinned plantain 

  16. Maharani Putri Dinanti (9F/22)

    Q : What is first the step to make avocado juice?
    A : You must cut in between the seed of avocado, and then twist.

  17. Felouna Natasha Saputra/16
    Q: What ingredients to make orange juice?
    A: To make orange juice we need,
    1. mature 50ml water
    2. the sweet orange fruit
    3. ice cubes

  18. Diego Fathir Rafi Rahman/13/9F

    Q : What to do if the layer is too thin when making fried bananas?
    A: If it is too thin, add more flour.

  19. Anis Desvinta Qowiyyusyadida (IXE/08)

    Q: What ingredients are needed to make orange juice?

    A: •Mature 50ml water
    •The sweet orange fruit (orange sunkist)
    •Ice cubes

  20. Muhammad Cunduk Indra Berliansyah 9E - 19

    Q: How much flour is needed to make fried bananas?
    A: 6 tbsp flour

  21. Mohammad Zidane Akbar Dzikrillah (18)

    Q:What is second step to make orange juice?
    A:put orange into the blender(may use a juicer to make it more practical)

  22. Zalfa Nefisah Eka Novalianty (31)

    Q: what's the next step after Cut between avocado seeds, and then twist when making avocado juice?

    A: 2.Scoop the flesh out using a metal spoon.
    3.Put the milk powder (or milk), water, and brown sugar into the blender and blend it till smooth.
    4.Ready to drink! This is another easy way besides using it to make salad and good for skin too.

  23. Azri Ramadhani Furyan (13/9E)

    Q : How much water is needed to make orange juice?
    A : Water required is 50 ml.

  24. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  25. Nanda Berlian Aprilia Putri Junaidi (22/9E)

    Q : What to do if the flour layer is too thin?
    A : If the flour layer is too thin can add more flour to the dough

  26. Rovita Syaiqul Iffah (27) 9E

    Q: how long does it take to blend the orange juice?
    A: Blender for about 3 minutes and then pour into a glass.

  27. Pertanyaan : What ingredients are needed to make fried bananas?

    Jawab : 1 ripe black-skinned plantain or 4 small finger banana (make sure that the banana is sweet)
    1 tsp. sugar
    1 egg
    6 tbs. flour
    a pinch of salt
    vegetable oil for deep frying

  28. Aprian Zaky Tristiawan Dharma Yudha (10)/9E

    Q:How many time that we need to get a golden brown and crispy fried banana?

    A:This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes

  29. Name : Nadia Ramadhani Al-Farrah
    Class : IX - E
    Number : 21

    •⟩ Question and answer about "How to Make Fried Banana"

    Q : What is the first step to making Fried Banana?
    A : The first step is place the flour in a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar, and salt. Add water little by little. Whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating and not too thin. If it is too thin, add more flour.

  30. Adha R Salsabila 9E/02
    Q: How much water that we need to make an orange juice?
    A: We need 50ml mature water to make an orange juice

  31. Nama : Zahrah Zafirah Chamid
    Kelas : IX-E
    No. Absen : 30

    "Questions and Answers About Orange Juice"

    Q : What is the next step after "Peel the skin and fiber" in making orange juice?

    A : The next step after peeling the skin and also the fiber, among others:
    • Enter into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical)
    • Combine water and ice cubes (you can also mix honey)
    • Blender for about 3 minutes and then pour into a glass
    • Orange juice are ready to be enjoyed.

  32. Yafie Satria Pramawardhana (29) 9E

    A:"What is the second step of making Avocado Juice

    B:"The second step of making Avocado juice is Scoop the flesh out of the fruit with metal spoon"

  33. Rahma Azminaya Harjayanti (9F/29)

    Q : What is the next step after scooping avocado flesh?
    A : The next step is put milk, water, and brown sugar into a blender and blend until smooth.

  34. Renata Aurellia Griselda Armiletta (9E/26)

    Q: What are the second and third steps of making orange juice?
    2) Enter peeled oranges into blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical).
    3) Combine water and ice cubes (you can also mix honey).

  35. Anindya F (07) 9E

    Q: what kind of orange is used in the procedure text How To Make Orange Juice?
    A: Orange Sunkist

  36. Nathifah Putri Arinthasyah/9F/27

    Q: What is the second step in making orange juice?
    A: Enter into a blender (may use a juicer to make it more practical)


    Q:how much brown sugar is needed to make avocado juice?

    A:1.5 tsp brown sugar

  38. Annisa Aulia Ramadani 9E/09

    Q:what is the first step to make orange juice?

    A: peel the skin and fiber of the orange fruit

  39. Abrar Chesta Adabi H 9-E/01
    A:what is the title of the procedure text above?
    B:How to make orange juice,How to make avocado juice,How to make fried banana

  40. Azarine Faradya Naura Ayu (12/9E)
    Q : in the process of making avocado juice, can we replace brown sugar with granulated sugar?
    A : Of course you can, why not? This juice is made according to taste.

  41. Azarine Faradya Naura Ayu (12/9E)
    Q : To add sweetness to orange juice what should we add?
    A : You can mix it with honey to add sweetness

  42. Alief nara rabani
    Q: What are the ingredients for making avocado juice?
    A:1 avocado1 cup water/milk1.5 tsp brown sugar5 tbsp milk power
    *omit milk powder if u r using milk
